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Are you a member of OPSEU/SEFPO? Sign-up to stay current with local 464 news and events.


OPSEU/SEFPO represents approximately 2000 Allied Health Professionals of The Ottawa Hospital. Our members work in over seventy professional occupational groups. We are one of the largest locals in the Ontario Public Service Employees Union / Syndicat des employés de la fonction publique de l’Ontario.

The local’s primary responsibility is to negotiate a collective agreement on behalf of our members and to oversee all disputes arising from the administration of the collective agreement between members and the hospital. We have an extensive team of Labour Relations Specialists available to us through OPSEU/SEFPO and numerous volunteer Stewards from various professional occupations who work with members to deal with any issues and disputes.

Unions are run by members for members. The Local Executive Committee (LEC) is the governing body for the local and is comprised of stewards from various areas who run for executive office. The LEC meets monthly (except July / August) and the dates are posted on our website. General Membership Meetings are held twice a year.
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Contact Us 

Give us a call or contact us through our postings email using the form below